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Note: You can find the intersection of Blue Sky and Cape George on most online maps, but many of them are incorrect if you try to locate 523 Blue Ridge Road, so be sure to use these directions for  finding the house


From Port Townsend:

Take Discovery Road south (out of town). Drive to Cape George Road at the golf course and turn right. (DO NOT take the branch of Cape George Road that is just outside town). Drive about 2 miles to Blue Sky Drive and turn right. At the next intersection, turn right on Discovery Ridge, then on Blue Ridge. We are at 523, at the end of the road.


From Sequim or Port Angeles:

Take Hwy 101 toward Port Townsend. When you reach Discovery Bay, turn left onto Hwy 20. Follow Hwy 20 to its intersection with Discovery Road (there is a gas station on the corner) and turn left. Proceed on Discovery Road to Cape George Road at the golf course, turn left on Cape George, and follow the directions above to the house.


From Poulsbo:

Take Hwy 3 to the Hood Canal Bridge. Turn onto the bridge (Hwy 104). Just after you cross the bridge, turn right onto Paradise Bay Road and proceed to the intersection with Oak Bay Road in Port Ludlow. Turn right onto Oak Bay and follow it through the Hadlock stop sign to Hwy 19. Turn right, follow Hwy 19 to the Four Corners turnoff and turn left. Continue on Four Corners across hightway 20 (you will now be on Discovery Road), and follow the Sequim directions, above, from there.


From Port Ludlow:

Take Oak Bay Road toward Port Hadlock, and follow the Poulsbo directions, above.


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